
Training on Child safeguarding and Case Management within the Ettihad 2 Project

Training on Child safeguarding and Case Management within the "Ettihad 2" Project

As part of the collaborative partnership between the Gaza Culture and Development Group (GCDG), Super Novae, and Save Youth Future Society, and with the support of the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, a specialized training on Child Protection Policy was conducted. The training engaged 60 facilitators and educators working on the "Ettihad 2" project This training is a... more

The association seeks to contribute to the development of the community culturally and civilly through its various programs. And in order to achieve its mission, the association adheres to the principles of human rights and the principles of equality, inclusiveness, empowerment and inclusion of the target groups.

• Building the capacity of the Association and its partner institutions.
• Contributing to student support culturally and socially.
• Contributing to compact poverty and to the creation of sustainable development.
• Contributing to the strengthening of civil society concepts.
• Contributing to the spread of culture through periodic meetings and workshops.

The association aspires to play a leading role in educating and developing a sustainable community based on community participation.
